10 Reasons Why You Need to Be Honest in A Personal Injury Claim Case

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy; you realize in due time the importance of being honest when it comes to personal injury claims.

Here, you have to be very truthful with your personal injury lawyer, if you want to stand a chance of winning your personal injury claim.

A report by the ICBC estimates a 10-15% chance that all personal injury claims are either exaggerated or fraudulent.

Below are ten reasons that highlight the truth about personal injury claims.


1. ICBC is watching you:

A report by the ICBC reveals the extent that it is willing to go to weed out fraudsters and fraudulent cases and have even included special investigation units, science and technology, and private investigators to see the truth in your claim.

2. Social media:

ICBC has probably seen that Facebook picture you posted while on that motorcycle road trip on some rough terrain. Let’s say you are unfortunate to suffer a personal injury and file your claim. Only to find the judge offering you less than 2/3 of the claim you were to get after seeing this picture.

3. Criminal charges:

It is a criminal offense trying to defraud the public or an individual. When caught, this can land you some serious jail time.

4. You’ll be under oath:

Lying while under oath can land you some serious consequences inclusive of perjury charges. If it isn’t reckless enough for you to lie under normal circumstances, lying under oath is much different.

5. It can cost you:

There is another ICBC fraud file where a customer lied about a claim on his car that was parked right outside his home had been hit by another vehicle not known to him. What happened is that the customer had been involved in a hit-and-run and then fled the scene. When he was found to be lying about his claim, the customer was fined $1,000 for the lie and also had to pay $5,600 back to the ICBC in claims costs.

6. The truth builds you a stronger case:

You find that lawyers, insurance companies, and even judges always strengthen their case by including witnesses. Honesty and credibility will help you a great deal towards building a strong case.

7. Lies complicate:

Chances are you are probably going to get caught in all that web of lies that you create. You will have to keep up with all the lies and be convincing enough to the jury every time you tell them. You will not have it easy having to repeatedly tell the same lie to prove your case which is probably not true, and you may even end up losing.

8. You will lose your lawyer:

Your lawyer will only manage to give you the relevant advice that will build you a strong case towards your personal injury claim if you are completely honest with them. Your lawyer will end up being in a very tough spot if some truth comes out later on about your case that he or she didn’t know about.

9. Peace of mind:

You should know that personal injury cases take many years to be resolved. For this reason, you may end up having a lot of pressure with all the lies piling up, and all the years you are going to have to keep remembering to keep your lies credible and be convincing enough to the jury.

10. Credibility is everything:

The most important thing about your personal injury claim is your credibility. This might very well be another one of those valuable things you must have in your social and professional life as well. You do not want to have this destroyed as a result of your personal injury.